Meet Chris Atkins '09
Name: Chris Atkins
Initiation Year: Spring 2009
Spouse Name: Sahar Eftekhar
Children, Names & Ages: Soraya Mae Atkins, almost 1yr old
OSU Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Graduate degree: MBA University of Michigan (class of 2018)
Current Employer: MARS (Motors and Armatures), a Platinum Equity Company
Current Title: Vice President, Transformation
What You Do: Private equity and corporate strategy, the occasional bankruptcy restructuring.
Past Employers & Titles: Marathon Petroleum Company - Refining Engineer
What You Like To Do Outside of Work: Travel and relax. Occasionally find my way to a golf course or out for a day of beers watching football when I can.
Favorite Alpha-Sigma or OSU Memory (ies): Brotherhood trips were always a blast. White water rafting at new river gorge, Bristol NASCAR race, road tripping to the Final 4 in New Orleans to name a few. And then pretty much every day of the week was as much fun as I wanted it to be. Always a handful of guys ready to hang out.
Advice for Undergraduates As the Chapter Returns: Work hard and play hard (in that order). It has been amazing to watch many of my brothers prosper into their careers the last decade or so. I think this stems from our days with Alpha Sig. Everyone got their work done and making it out for fun with friends was motivation to do so. This pays dividends as you grow into a professional when motivation to exceed needs to come from within, rather than because someone asked it of you.
What Alpha-Sigma Means To You: Truly a life-long experience. Some of my best friends today are folks I would not have met otherwise.